Join us watching the Wikimania opening day on August 11 at 12.00–18.00 EEST in Helsinki!
AvoinGLAM organizes the watch party during which we run the workshop Crisis and GLAM. In the workshop, we will hear about the experiences and activities of wikimedians responding to crises, and to map out collaborations and practices that can help combat crisis situations facing humans, the environment, and cultural heritage. The Wikimania program ends at 6 p.m., after which the event continues with more casual socializing.
We welcome all friends of open cultural heritage and knowledge from different networks to get to know each other in URBAN3, the joint base of AvoinGLAM, Open Knowledge Finland, Creative Commons Finland, and Wikimedia Finland.
Program (times in EEST)
12.00–18.00 Wikimania programme. Snacks, socializing.
- 12.00–12.30 Opening ceremony
- 17.05–18.00 Crisis and GLAM
From 18.00 on we will join the Free Software community of Helsinki, celebrating OpenStreetMap birthday party at Bruuveri, Kamppi: More information on the event and the location.
See all Wikimania program from Thursday until Sunday!

17.05–18.00 Crisis and GLAM
We have the privilege to hear three speakers talk about their experiences confronting and responding to crises.
Éder Porto (Wiki Movimento Brasil) introduces the digital reconstruction work they undertook when a massive fire devastated the building and collections of the National Museum of Brazil in 2018.
Nassima Chahboun (Wiki World Heritage) walks us through the work of WHindanger that promotes and raises awareness of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in danger using participatory creative tactics and Wikimedia projects to create an interactive website.
Hanna Osadchuk (Wikimedia Ukraine) talks about open access to cultural heritage as seen from within the ongoing war.
Bring your ideas and experiences to the meeting! Based on the introductions, new tactics combining cultural heritage, voluntary work, humanitarian and creative activities can be developed together.

Join us at URBAN3 at Maria 01, Lapinlahdenkatu 16, Building 3, Floor 2, 00180 Helsinki
You will receive information about entering the building when you register.
Updates to the program in the Facebook event and this page.
Welcome to meet one another!